Tuesday 5 January 2016

Get to know me tag

Today I'm doing the "Get to know me" tag! Woooo!!! I've set a list of 10 questions for me to answer, so let's get cracking!

1. What is your name? My name is Chelsea Lucas.

2. What colour is your hair? I have brown shoulder-length hair.

3. Do you have any pets? I have an American Staffordshire Terrier called Harry, and I share with my sisters a little black cat called Polly.

4. Are you left-handed or right-handed? I am left-handed!

5. What was your first award? The first award I ever got was a trophy of the year in Karate!

6. What's your favorite TV show? My favorite TV show is Wild At Heart.

7. What's your favorite season? My favorite season is Autumn because it just looks so beautiful.

8. Can you speak another language? I can kind of speak French, Gaelic and Spanish.

9. Can you whistle? Yes I can.

10. Where was the last place you travelled? The last place I travelled to was London to see The Natural History Museum and The Victoria and Albert Museum.

I hope you enjoy this post. Byeee!


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